House Of Sky And Breath by Sarah J Maas

4.63 out of 5
(40 customer reviews)


“House of Sky and Breath” by Sarah J. Maas is a captivating fantasy novel that continues the Crescent City series. Follow Bryce Quinlan as she explores a world of angels, fae, and political intrigue, uncovering dark secrets that endanger the balance between realms. This is a tale of love, power, and otherworldly mysteries.

Book Summary

The story of “House of Sky and Breath” begins three months after the events in “House of Earth and Blood.” Bryce and Hunt, following orders from the Bright Hand, are keeping a low profile. Bryce, now aware of her status as a Starborn Fae Princess, gets to know her half-brother Ruhn. She publicly revealed her true parentage and possesses the rare gift of Starlight, along with a magical artifact, the Horn of Luna, tattooed on her back. This artifact grants her the ability to open portals between worlds.

Hunt desires a normal life and focuses on his growing romantic relationship with Bryce. However, two events disrupt their plans: Bryce’s sudden betrothal to Fae Prince Cormac and the disappearance of human siblings Sofie and Emile Renast. Sofie, a human rebel with crucial intelligence against the Asteri, is chased by government forces, and Emile’s whereabouts are unknown.

Bryce, Hunt, and others embark on a mission to find Sofie and Emile. Sofie, associated with Bryce’s late friend Danika, becomes a key figure. Cormac, revealed to be an Ophion rebellion agent, seeks Bryce’s help in exchange for maintaining their betrothal, preventing her tyrannical father’s interference.

The search involves the mer Tharion and Ithan Holstrom, a wolf exiled by his pack. Hunt’s traumatic past resurfaces with the arrival of his new boss, Archangel Celestina, triggering memories. Despite challenges, Bryce and Hunt realize their deep connection as mates, surpassing ordinary bonds.

The quest intensifies as Cormac, aided by telepath Ruhn, contacts Ophion mole Agent Daybright for intelligence. The rebels seize supplies, fearing Pippa Spetsos’s fanatical intentions. Bryce, Hunt, and friends intervene, leading to a confrontation with Pippa’s forces.

On a ship, Cormac discovers Sofie’s death. Bryce notices a sequence on Sofie’s arm, sparking a quest to decipher it. The Helhound reveals the sequence marks a door in the Asteri Archives. Bryce and the group plan to visit the Archives for crucial truths.

At the Archives, Bryce learns the shocking reality—the Asteri are parasitic creatures exploiting planets for energy, deceiving magical folk. Rigelus reveals he orchestrated Bryce’s journey to open a portal to her home world for its magic. Hunt and Ruhn face arrest but receive unexpected help from the Hind, revealed as Agent Daybright.

With no choice, Bryce visits the planet Hel, intending to seek aid against Rigelus. However, she encounters someone named Rhysand, leaving the story in a cliffhanger. Unanswered questions set the stage for Book 3 in the Crescent City series.


ISBN: 1635574072

EAN13: 9781635574074

Language: English

Release Date: Jan 25, 2022

Pages: 768

Format: Hardcover

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

40 reviews for House Of Sky And Breath by Sarah J Maas

  1. Gerda Schimmel
    5 out of 5
    The final chapter was something I did not know I needed 🥹 crying sobbing mess sjm you ARE a genius ❤️‍🔥
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    Bhaagyasree Jha
    5 out of 5
    She loves the book. Fast shipping and book was perfect condition on arrival.
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    Isabell Kirabira
    5 out of 5
    No words. I have no words to describe this book. So much goes down that I can't even begin to talk about
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    Assunta McCullough
    5 out of 5
    This book was amazing, fantastic, excellent. I love it so much. I love the story and the element of mystery added in. Can't wait for the next book!!
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    Brandy Rau
    4 out of 5
    Am I excited for the next book? Yes. Did this book live up to Earth and Blood? No. I do understand that the second book in a series serves to spearhead the plots for the rest of the books in the series. Standalone, this book is just OK. I found that it was a lot of graphic sex and a lot of whining, and a lot of characters that each had their own individual plot lines. I'm looking forward to seeing those plot lines resolved. I started reading the Maasverse in September 2023 and completed 15 books in approximately 4 months. I think that and itself speaks volumes of her writing & ability to tell an amazing, epic story. I am really looking forward to continuing this one, even if I accurately predicted 3 of the big reveals.
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    Namita Prashad
    5 out of 5
    The first 500 pages of the book was a bit of the repetitive drag…but the last 100, were a blast. Ready for book three.
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    Karl Taylor
    5 out of 5
    “Light it up, Bryce!!!” This book is an action-packed, thrill-a-minute read that leaves you panting and begging for more. The twists and turns and secrets revealed kept me on the edge of my seat. I ate,slept, and breathed this book. I can not wait for the next!!
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    Angela Munyagwa
    5 out of 5
    I will never be the same omgIf you've been putting this series off, STOP what you are doing and read it. I have no words!
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    Toke Amaechi
    5 out of 5
    I couldn't put this book down, it was so action packed, I can not wait for the 3rd and final book in the series. I do believe Sarah Maas has become one of my favorite authors. She has been able to make a second book in the series as good as the first.. wow! I loved all the old characters & new ones too.. Bryce and Hunt continue to work for the ‘good of the people and the ones they love.' I am left to wait a little longer to see what is in store for them… again, I do not like spoilers, so all i can say is this is a fantastic book and series… looking forward to the next. It is a Must Read
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    Pascale Bayer
    4 out of 5
    As usual, amazing and intricate plot (to put it extremely lightly). However, too many characters to keep up with and too many loose ends. Hopefully they will be taken care of in next book!
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    Colton Blick
    4 out of 5
    I pushed myself to get through HOSAB, honestly. There were a couple of moments that had me debating if I was going to shelve this behemoth. The plot was a little heavy on the smut, a few cringe-inducing scenes (looking at you phone sex scene). Sarah, girl, you could've cut a decent amount of them and made this 600 pages instead of 800 and it would still have been a good amount of smut. That being said, SJM remains unparalleled in world building romantasy (in my opinion). The ending? Cauldron boil me. I was debating on whether to go to CC3 or abandon the series but those last few chapters? I have pre-ordered the next.
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    Verner Kassulke
    3 out of 5
    Its worth the read & I've already preordered the next book, but I did have to push through this with at times.
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    Niko Marks
    3 out of 5
    The pages came ripped and bent.
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    Adegoke Mayowa
    4 out of 5
    Like book 1, this starts out slow, and doesn't really get good until the end. For a while I found myself struggling to stick with it. However, I do love all of the foreshadowing and hints that SJM has left along the way that start to click into place at the end. So ready for this crossover!
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    Marcelina Oberbrunner
    4 out of 5
    Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 (3.5)Steam Level: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (very descriptive open door scenes)New mysteries. More secrets. Unexpected allies. Growing friendships. More romance. Bryce and Hunt never expected their lives to be easy, but what they discover will change everything.Okay, I thought on this for a minute and decided on 3.5 stars like book 1. I did enjoy the side characters and found family vibes in this sequel. There was a little more action and interesting reveals scattered throughout, but it still dragged like book 1. The ending didn't blow me away that much just because I could predict certain things based on the hype surrounding book 3. I promise that no one intentionally spoiled it, but when people make such a big deal about theories, it's hard not to predict what happened to Bryce. That being said, I'm definitely intrigued about what will happen next. I will still read HOFAS, but Throne of Glass is still my favorite SJM series.
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    Catharine Atukwase
    5 out of 5
    “My name is Bryce Quinlan ……I am deceased. I was so stressed the entire last 5 chapters. I swear.. I will revolt if something happens to my Angel babies…Also, Ruhn …. 😭😭😭😭 his poor heart… I can't take it.I will start some of the middle of the book had me going… huh??? But I was reading late into the night and mamas tired ok….I am loving this series and if book 3 has me crying anything but happy tears… I will riot!!!
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    Wale Egbochukwu
    5 out of 5
    It's amazing! If you're buying this one, you're already a part of the Maasverse and are already in love with the first book. I recommend ALL other Sarah J Maas books! 20 more days til the 3rd installment is released!!!!
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    Aminu Mogbadunade
    4 out of 5
    So it took me a while to read this book and only because Mass books seem to be getting bigger and bigger with each release.I did enjoyed reading House of Sky and Breath, as it was fast-paced, action-packed, and full of surprises. I mean that ending kind of did it for me !Now this series in my opinion can no longer be read as a standalone. If you have not read ACOTAR, go ahead and do that first.Maas has a knack for creating complex and engaging characters, and I loved seeing the growth and development of Bryce and Hunt, as well as their relationship. The book also explored themes such as loyalty, friendship, family, and identity, and how they shape the choices and actions of the characters. The world-building was impressive, as Maas created a rich and diverse setting that blended elements of mythology, folklore, and modern culture. The plot was well-crafted, with twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. The book ended with a cliffhanger so get ready.
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    Pradeep Dalal
    5 out of 5
    Every Easter egg makes me so happy! She is brilliant! I can't wait for the next book to come out!
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    Pravin Chaudhry
    5 out of 5
    Hold onto your bookmarks, fellow bookworms, because Sarah J. Maas has unleashed another literary beast upon us – "House of Sky and Breath," the second installment in the Crescent City series. It's like she took a sip of creativity potion and said, "Watch me conquer your soul with words!"First things first, if you haven't devoured the ACOTAR books, you might be wandering through Crescent City with a perplexed expression like a lost tourist. Trust me; you'll want to visit the Courts before taking this scenic route. And if you haven't feasted your eyes upon the Throne of Glass series, well, buckle up, because you're in for a royal treat. But hey, if you're feeling rebellious, you can jump straight from ACOTAR to Crescent City – just be prepared for a magical rollercoaster that might leave you questioning your life choices.Now, let's talk about the chokehold this book has on your emotions. If "House of Earth and Blood" left you gasping for air, "House of Sky and Breath" will have you clutc...More
    Hold onto your bookmarks, fellow bookworms, because Sarah J. Maas has unleashed another literary beast upon us – "House of Sky and Breath," the second installment in the Crescent City series. It's like she took a sip of creativity potion and said, "Watch me conquer your soul with words!"First things first, if you haven't devoured the ACOTAR books, you might be wandering through Crescent City with a perplexed expression like a lost tourist. Trust me; you'll want to visit the Courts before taking this scenic route. And if you haven't feasted your eyes upon the Throne of Glass series, well, buckle up, because you're in for a royal treat. But hey, if you're feeling rebellious, you can jump straight from ACOTAR to Crescent City – just be prepared for a magical rollercoaster that might leave you questioning your life choices.Now, let's talk about the chokehold this book has on your emotions. If "House of Earth and Blood" left you gasping for air, "House of Sky and Breath" will have you clutching your heart, desperately trying not to spoil anything for your fellow readers. The Asteri have kept their word – mostly – but rebels are rebellious, and the threat of chaos looms like a storm cloud over a cozy reading nook.Bryce Quinlan and Hunt Athalar just want to Netflix-and-chill their way to a normal life, but when you've got rebels stirring up trouble, staying silent is about as likely as convincing a cat to take up ballroom dancing. The choice is clear – fight for what's right or risk the wrath of fictional characters who've never been good at keeping quiet. Spoiler alert: They choose the epic battle route.In this 27-hour-and-42-minute epic audiobook experience narrated by the enchanting Elizabeth Evans (seriously, give this woman all the awards), Maas weaves a story so captivating, that it's like she's playing a symphony on your heartstrings. Move over, Netflix and Hulu – audiobooks are the new binge-worthy entertainment, and Elizabeth Evans is our auditory goddess."House of Sky and Breath" isn't just sexy and action-packed; it's a literary explosion that makes you rethink your life choices. Maas doesn't just write books; she crafts immersive universes where love is the key, and everything – and I mean everything – is possible. The wait for the third book? It's like waiting for a magician to reveal their final trick – torturous and exciting all at once. This will leave you spiraling for all the theories you can get your hands on, I know I have.So, grab your headphones, dive into the world of Crescent City, and prepare to be mind-blown by the queen herself, Sarah J. Maas. Through love, all is possible, and through Maas, all is enchantingly unpredictable.
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    Susan Kasekende
    5 out of 5
    Another epic tale that subsumes you in a fantastical world... I devoured every word!
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    Harmon Okuneva
    5 out of 5
    Great book and author
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    Tomiloba Adegoke
    5 out of 5
    I could not put it down! Book 2 was even better than 1! Now I am dying for book 3!
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    Danjuma Osuagwu
    5 out of 5
    This was a great second installment in the Crescent City story. Sarah Maas is great at building characters and tugging at your emotions with what the characters experience. Not all are perfect and that is one of the best parts of the books is seeing the flaws, seeing how they respond and grow. Glad I finished close to the release of the 3rd book.
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    Gulzar Usman
    5 out of 5
    WHAT. IN. THE. WORLD. AAAAAAHHHHHHI went into this book without reading any spoilers or other reviews. CAN I JUST SAY THAT I'M SO GLAD I DID. I knew there would be world crossovers but HOLY HEL. THE ENDING. I was reading this at work, and I had to get up and walk away from my desk because it was that good. My mind is just.... wow. I can't even comprehend sentences because I'm still trying to go through the emotions of finishing the book.I seriously cannot WAIT for the third book.
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    Ruthie Atwine
    5 out of 5
    Late to the review, but SJM has done it again with this book. Absolutely love it.
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    Abby Schmeler
    5 out of 5
    I NEED THE NEXT BOOK IMMEDIATELY HOLY S*** Sarah J Maas I want to smooch you that was amazing well done sweetie
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    Johann Samuels
    5 out of 5
    Exactly what she wanted.
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    Heather Saunders
    5 out of 5
    I hate reading series as they happen but man. SOOO GOOD! And the ending 🧐✌🏼😭 I just have so many feelings!!!!
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    Harry Bernhard
    5 out of 5
    This is book 2 in the Crescent City series. Book 1 was also amazing. I can't wait for the third book in the series!
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    Sophia Clarke
    4 out of 5
    WTF! I HAVE NO WORDS… actually i have a few. These books are slow as hell and i really don't like that. The last 300 pages is what makes these books but 806 is too long for a book so slowly paced.
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    Adaugo Ayobami
    4 out of 5
    Both this book and CC1 are slow to start and then off to the races from there. Excited for the third.
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    Trudie Kautzer
    5 out of 5
    the ending completely suprised me lol. great book but what the actual hell 😭 i am still reeling. sarah j maas does it again
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    Olufunmi Ayomide
    5 out of 5
    I have read hundreds of books, maybe even thousands at this point. I have NEVER been more shocked by a twist in anything else I've ever read. This series is a masterpiece. The connection to the characters, the universe, the magic. This series will have you on the edge of your seat, laughing, crying… every emotion. I cannot wait to read the next book.
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    Keith Lottering
    5 out of 5
    I'm absolutely floored. I've read every single one of Sarah's books and the last night has me shocked!!! I need January 20th to be here right now so I can get answers that will surely keep me from sleeping!!!
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    Arthur Munyagwa
    5 out of 5
    The ending was spoiled which is fine with me because it's what made finally pick up this series (which was 10000% worth it) but even though I knew what was coming I still gasped and screamed and mentally threw my book.
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    Jayson Nkoojo
    2 out of 5
     I went to break in the spine and noticed a page was messed up
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    Thembi Prinsloo
    5 out of 5
    I have enjoyed every moment of reading every Sarah Maas book I've read. This is by far my favorite epic tale of love, adventure, war and ideals to live by.
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    Mina Renner
    5 out of 5
    Wow - just wow. There's so much going on in this book, so many intertwining plot lines, secrets, and surprises. When I listen on audiobook I tend to multitask and I often said “wait, what??” and I had to back up and listen again, in a good way though. The last line of the book, before the apologue, just blew me away for the higher-reaching intertwining of the SJM universes as a whole - it definitely won't make sense if you haven't read ACOTAR yet. Cannot wait until January for book 3.
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    Kira Cummings
    5 out of 5
    I am stressed and need the third book to be here. This is what SJM and her genius does to me. I am absolutely obsessed with the worlds she has created and am looking for easter eggs everywhere. I can't wait to find out what's happening next.
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